If we provide our body with the Elements it needs for health, we don’t have to live short and die long...
we can live long and die short.

Kenton Anderson

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Consulting and specializing in working with clients who have been diagnosed with the conditions listed below
sustainable, holistic lifestyle changes to help you repair and restore your health natural, non-prescription therapies

and evidence based treatments, including:

Lifestyle Change Support

Botanical Sciences & Medicine

Nutritional Support

Carroll Food Intolerance Evaluation


Special Areas of Focus:

Digestive/Gut Health

Digestive/Gut-Brain Health

Acid Reflux, GERD or Heartburn, Bloating, Cramping, Abdominal Pain, Candida/Yeast Overgrowth,
Celiac Disease, Constipation, Diarrhea, Fatty Liver Disease, Gallbladder Health, H. Pylori, IBS, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis), Leaky Gut, Malabsorption, Parasites, SIBO

Autoimmune Conditions

Graves Disease - Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s - Hypothyroidism, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma

Weight Management

In order to lose weight, we must go deeper into the physiology of the body.  The body itself is programmed to gain and retain weight - historically, food was not abundant like it is today so the body naturally stores fat for days when food isn't available.  In today's modern world, however, it's not just diet,
 it's so much more.  


Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia

Men’s Health

Heart disease, Infertility / Low Sperm count, Low Libido, Prostate Cancer,
Sexual Dysfunction

Women’s Health

Changes in Libido, Infertility, Osteoporosis, Peri/Menopause/Post, PCOS, PMS, Urinary Tract Infection

Skin Issues

Acne, Alopecia, Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis

Sad african-american woman on floor at home
Mental / Emotional Health

ADD/ADHD, Anger/Irritability, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Depression, Mood Swings, Overwhelm

Healthy Aging/Longevity

Alzheimers, Arthritis, Cognitive Decline, Geriatric Issues, Poor memory, Stress 

Discover Your Path to Health

Dr. Anderson will create a plan, based on the findings from your goals and health history, that addresses your concerns and optimizes your health!

Other Conditions Addressed








Food Sensitivities


Heart Health

High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Insomnia/Sleep Disorders

Joint Health

Pain Management

Smoking Cessation


Great gratitude for Dr. Kenton Anderson for being a wonderful teacher who appeared when this student was ready. I have struggled with obesity my whole life, and felt at a physical rock bottom, near the beginning of my journey with Dr. Anderson. He guided me to eliminate artificial sweeteners, over-processed foods (which had been my lifelong staple,) dairy and gluten, to vastly reduce inflammation in my body as well as constant nasal/sinus congestion.

He led me to helpful supplements that supported me in weight loss, overall improved physical health and balancing hormonal challenges. Today I am 50 pounds lighter and since I began my journey working with him my blood pressure and pulse have reduced by 20 points each. I will always remember inquiring about taking on more than I was ready to, at my first appointment, and he stated, while motioning with his hands, “the peak of the mountain is here, you are here, I don’t want you to go back to the car.”
Theresa O.