Let’s face it – we don’t know, we simply don’t know.
We don’t know how long the virus will be around,
we don’t know how long we’ll be social distancing,
we don’t know how long until we can once again gather in groups of 10 or more,
we don’t know if our finances will hold out,
we don’t know what happens if we get sick with something besides COVID-19.
I’m just going to stop there.
The one thing we do know – we get to choose how
we relate to the unknown.
This past couple of weeks I’ve vacillated between hope and fear and anxiety and panic and calm and peace and… it’s been a whirlwind of emotions.
Yep – just because I’m a doctor doesn’t mean I’m immune to the effects of all this.
About 3 AM I awoke this morning with an idea – an idea that we could all Thrive in Place instead of merely suffering in place, sheltering in place, overwhelming in place, etc. and I wanted to share it with you. I hope that somehow my little blurbs, hint, tips, and challenges will help you Thrive In Place and beyond.
Some days I may take my phone outside and we can take a walk together on a Facebook LIVE, or maybe you’d like to walk virtually with a friend.
Some days I’ll just write a bit and hopefully, you’ll find it inspiring.
Some days maybe I’ll send a recipe of something I made up from whatever I had in my pantry. I’ll just take it day by day.
There’s one thing I know – we don’t get to say what happens, but we 100% get to say how we’re going to react to what’s happening.
I see this is going to be an incredible opportunity to finally get a chance to create, to clear, to be healthy, __________________, you fill in the blank.
I invite you to sit down TODAY and write out a list of items that you would like to work on while we’re all Thriving in Place. I don’t mean the things and tasks you want to do – that’s doing in place.
Let’s not turn Thriving in Place into doing in place.
My challenge is to write down those things you’ll commit to that will inspire you and pull you forward.
I’ll start:
These are all some pretty simple things that will improve your mood, and keep you focused on creating a future you're excited to live in.
It’s important that in these times of uncertainty you honor yourself – honor the vessel you walk the earth in.
So what do you say – are you up for today’s challenge – write a list of things you’d like to utilize this Thrive In Place time for?
You can change it, add to it, delete from it – whatever works – just get something down on paper!
Remember you can choose to Thrive In Place!
Be well,
Dr. Kenton Anderson
PS: At the risk of setting off a communal groan, it’s also a great time to sit with your castor oil packs and help your body detoxify from all of the stress.
Yes, I know – some of you hate them, some of you love them – it’s a great time to make friends with them!
If you don’t know about them – call Carrie in the office and set-up a 15-minute immune consult – they’re great for supporting immunity!